
Coaching and mentoring are development approaches based on the use of one-to-one conversations which are designed to enhance an individual’s skills, knowledge, confidence or effectiveness. I consider coaching to be a non-directive approach, where my role is to provide structured support to enable an individual to achieve their goals. In coaching, I am not an expert in the issues and situation in question. Mentoring involves a similar process, but may also involve me providing more ‘content’, on a subject or situation in which I have experience.

I have provided personal and professional coaching for twenty years. Professional clients include HM Treasury, the Department of Work and Pensions and the Environment Agency, as well as a number of small business owners and consultants and people working in the community/voluntary sector.

I also provide mentoring and coaching for artists, in particular around social, community and environmental engagement. I have a degree in Psychology (Oxford University, 1991) and a qualification with the Coaching Academy (2003).

The benefits of coaching/mentoring

Coaching/mentoring is a customised, one to one approach to real time learning and change with a strong focus on results. Based on self observation, it provides an opportunity to be open about difficulties, work out different solutions and rehearse approaches. 

Coaching/mentoring is often confused with counselling or therapy, but it is very different:

  • Coaches/mentors focus on results and the external world whereas counselling focuses on the inner psychological world 

  • Coaching/mentoring emphasises empowerment, strengths and achievements and how to use these to grow and develop whereas counselling takes a remedial approach dealing with deficits and problems

  • Coaches are not experts, but guides/resource providers whereas a counsellor is often brings expertise to fix the client. Mentors may also bring expertise, but as a resource rather than ‘fixing’

  • Coaching/mentoring is proactive – it aims to recognise and solve problems before they arise whereas counselling focuses on exploring reactive behaviours and changing them

Benefits of coaching/mentoring can be huge. They can include: 

  • Increased competence in particular skills

  • Increased confidence in tacking individual issues

  • Clarifying a vision or overall strategy

  • Working through priorities

  • Tacking the most difficult issues

  • Ensuring work relationships are at their most productive

  • Better time management

  • Working effectively with others

  • Integrating work and life priorities and time

  • Integrating short and long term aspirations

  • Working on very personal issues like an individual’s presence in meetings and personal impact

  • Creating a safe environment to work through personal issues which are affecting an individual’s performance at work

Approaches to coaching/mentoring

There are three broad types of approach to coaching:

Type 1 – A single conversation aimed at building or sharpening a competence. It is appropriate for helping someone to address a lack of something straightforward, discontinuing repetition of simple mistake. This type of coaching involves understanding the intent of a particular behaviour and whether it was achieved, analysis of the underlying thought process, exploring options for other ways of thinking and acting and trying them out with support.

Type 2 – a more complex conversation held over several sessions suitable for addressing issues such as being closed to the input of others, being disorganised, being over (or under) committed, being unassertive. This involves a cycle of observation, analysis, goal setting, action, observation.

Type 3 – a profound and longer conversation intended to bring about fundamental change, suitable for helping someone to discover life purpose, make a career or relationship change.

Within these types, a wide range of observation, assessment and goal setting techniques and approaches are used.

Lindsey’s approach to coaching/mentoring

I have found that Type 2 coaching is the most commonly applicable approach,  often comprising 3 or 6 sessions. I usually work primarily through a series of structured, confidential, monthly face to face meetings. The option of zoom or telephone sessions (perhaps in addition to the established face to face monthly meeting) are also discussed in the set up meeting, as are other options such as shadowing and observation which may also be considered later in the programme.

All sessions will be entirely confidential. At the end of each session, we will discuss the way forward, including clarification of whether anyone else needs to be informed of the results of the session.  Usually the work is very much at the client’s instigation, and not in response to organisational requirements or assessment. But where coaching/mentoring is being undertaken at the request of an organisation, reporting and assessment frameworks will be agreed before the start of coaching.

I use the GROW method during many coaching sessions which encourages the client to consider:

Goal – what goal do they want to focus on during the session

Reality – understand the reality of their own position, the context etc

Options – explore the range of possible courses of action

Will – help them reach decision on course of action and establish commitment to do it

You can choose to bring more or less of their personal and/or work life into the sessions. Critical to success is confidentiality and my being in support rather than guiding you. I will ask questions, make links, reflect, spot inconsistencies, suggest observation exercises and so on (and where mentoring is involved, I may offer expertise and resources) , but it is up to you, the client, to make commitments and follow through actions.

An indicative programme is given below: this would be flexible and developed as we work together and identify the best way of addressing the issues in question.


Phase 1:            Diagnosis, parameters and goals

Month 1           Lindsey sends you questions to guide reflection before first session

Month 1           First session to discuss (‘diagnose’) the situation and start to clarify coaching/mentoring needs and approach.

Month 2           Second session to review progress, check the needs and approach (finishing work started in the first session). Session may involve practical learning activity.


Phase 2:            Action and review

Month 3           Third session to review progress, explore new ideas, identify/undertake practical learning opportunities

Month 4           Fourth session likely to be focused on some practical learning activity, as well as usual review/setting goals for next session

Month 5           Fifth session to review progress, explore new ideas, identify/undertake practical learning opportunities


Phase 3:            Evaluation and follow up

Month 6           Sixth session: Closing the programme, identifying actions for the future.


Costs and payment terms


Lindsey offers a sliding scale of charges based on a client’s ability to pay.

Where coaching/mentoring is to be done on behalf of organisations services will be charged at £50-£75/hour plus expenses at cost, depending on size of the organisation and complexity of the issue. Expenses to include travel and subsistence and are estimated at up to 5% of the total cost, depending on location and activities.

It is anticipated that each session will last between 1 and 2 hours, with up to an additional 1 hour preparation and follow through. Where Lindsey is asked to undertake observation activities, time will be charged as above.

An upper limit for time/costs and how best to spend the time, and dates for invoicing would be set at our first meeting.

For individuals rates range from £30 to £50 per hour-long session (including preparation and follow up) depending on ability to pay. Longer sessions and other activities will be charged at a negotiated rate on an equivalent scale. Travel will be charged in addition for face to face meetings at 50p/mile if Lindsey is required to travel more than 5 miles from Nant Peris.

An upper limit for time/costs and how best to spend the time would be set at our first meeting, and payment required after each session.

Please note: for both corporate and individual clients, sessions cancelled by the client with less than 24 hours notice will be charged as if the session had taken place.