founder/leadership roles

 This page lists some of the charities and networks that I have started, and some of the leadership roles I’ve been in over the last 20+ years. Most have been motivated by wanting to develop new ways of learning together, and building capacity for greater engagement and collaboration for sustainable development.

For how I’m starting to apply this to the arts, see here

Founder of:

2004 - 2014             Involve, one of the founder members, and then member of the board, of this charity (which was born from InterAct), building democracy that works for everyone

2002 –  present      Lindsey Colbourne Associates. My consultancy, through which I deliver projects with a network of Associates.

2001 – 2016           InterAct Networks   a not-for-profit partnership focused on capacity building for participation in organisations and communitities

1998 – 2011          InterAct, a network bringing together practitioners, academics and policy makers to develop thinking and practice in the field of participation and stakeholder involvement.

1994 – 1997           Vision 21, a Sustainable Future for Gloucestershire.  This multi-award winning Local Agenda 21 process could be considered my first socially engaged art work, and it lives on today! Starting with a global conference on Local Agenda 21, I developed a participatory process that resulted in a network of more than 1,500 volunteers and 65 projects. It included the development and use of a range of participatory techniques, and the arts including ‘guided visualisation, back casting, ‘a day in the life’, appreciative inquiry and Future Search conferences.  1992 - 1997

1992 - 1997            EDGE magazine - Environment and Development in Gloucestershire. This news and networking magazine, with a circulation of 5,000 readers, brought together arts and activism, and received awards and global promotion as an example of good practice.

Leadership roles:

2008 – 2011           Head of Public Dialogue, and Dialogue and Engagement Specialist, Sciencewise-ERC,
the UK’s national centre for public dialogue in policy making involving science and technology issues

2002 - 2004           Founding board member of Cynnal Cymru, an initiative trying to realise the vision of a sustainable Wales and a more sustainable world

2001 – 2009          Commissioner, UK Sustainable Development Commission, the advisory body to UK Government, Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland

1997 - 2001            Director, Projects in Partnership. UK Charity promoting sustainable solutions through participation and dialogue.