A little blog to celebrate that Carreg Creative, my partnership with Lisa Hudson, is one year old! We set up Carreg Creative to design, deliver and support socially and environmentally engaged creative practice in order to creatively explore the possibility of a more connected world. We facilitate situations in which entanglement can occur, in order to create a better world for the human and more than human.
We think our first commissions are a great introduction to the sort of work we do, by way of a little one year birthday celebration!
I am now doing a bit more facilitation again, in case that’s of interest too!
In November, Carreg Creative, was invited to host an ‘art strand’ to the Wales Real Food and Farming Conference 2024, held this year in Lampeter University.
It was new departure for both Carreg Creative and for the conference, and we worked with creatives Siân Barlow, Ffion Jones and Elinor Gwynn to create “Wrth Wraidd/At Root”, a light touch approach, listening, questioning and conversation, seeing what grows. We created a quiet, comfortable and welcoming space in the foyer, in between more formal conference spaces - making room for questions, considerations, mapping and dreaming.
For our commission by Wales National Contemporary Art Gallery and Storiel, Bangor, Carreg Creative (working with Wanda Zyborska and Utopias Bach) invited creatives whose practice focuses on collaboration, process and engagement, to take part in a ‘curious conversation – [how to get] into and out of the cabinet’: How could engaged practice relate to the national contemporary art gallery for Wales (Celf ar y Cyd website) and Storiel’s collection?
Our ongoing hybrid online and on location ‘curious conversations’, included an interactive installation/performances at Storiel, a month long pop up shop in the Deiniol Shopping Centre in Bangor, and a Crone Cast performance at Llyn Alaw.